Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A visit to Madumalai National park

    I love to travel. Traveling and seeing new places, observing the flora and fauna

of the place has always been my priority. I am always inclined to greenery, may 

be because I come from the hills of India. The northern region of India 

(Uttrakhand), to where I belong is lush green with the grand Himalayas in 

the background. After living in Mumbai(The economic capital of India) for long,

which is very busy and less green like any other metro, I miss my hills and greens 

a lot. Therefore I like to travel to the greener zones.

      This time my stop was Madumalai National Park. Briefly, the National Park 

is located in the state of Tamil Nadu and comes under Nilgiri Biosphere reserve. 

Its adjoining national parks are Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Bandipur National 

Park,  Nagarhole National Park and Mukurthi National Park. The total area of

the reserve is 33,000 square km. The main animal inhabitants include leopard, 

Elephant, Deer, Chital deer, Sambar Deer, Grey langur, wild boar and more. 

Besides, peacock are present in abundance.

        I would recommend an early morning safari along the main road itself. If 

you have your own vehicle that is even better. Drive slowly along the main 

road and you can see whole deer and peacock families. They can be seen 

easily and you can even click picture without bothering them. Just like I clicked....

I would recommend using a really good camera, as you can click much better 

pictures with them.

Besides, Madumalai National Park has a elephant rearing center having 13 

elephants. A feeding program is organized for them in the presence of public 

in evening. Seeing so many elephants together was indeed a rare site.

                                                           Elephant Rearing Center

If you are really interested in wild life, Madumalai National Park is a good option. 

Give it a try...

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